One Wish Granted

 When I published "From Sassano to 48th and Federal Street" in the first half of 2019 one thing I mentioned I wanted to accomplish in the future was to find my Great Grandfather, Francesco Cavallone's brother Vincenzo family.  Vincenzo was killed by a train on 19 Oct 1911 in Chicago.  He had two boys Joseph (born in Chicago 13 May 1908)  and John (born in Chicago 20 Jan 1911).  Their mother, Filomena LaRosa, returned to Italy with the boys.  At the time I wrote the book the only information I had was the 1924 Passport Application of the two young boys coming back to America.

I found one of John Cavallone's grandchildren on Facebook in the first months of 2020.  I filled her and her two sisters in on my discoveries over email and got to chat with them on the phone later that year.

Persistence and prayer pay off.  

They were kind enough to share their grandparents wedding picture with me.  Below is one of those little boys in the passport application in the 1939 wedding photo.



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