A New Chapter

Today begins a new chapter in my genealogy quest.  I'm more determined then ever to continue to contribute to my Italian heritage and anyone I can assist.  It's important that we do not lose how we got to now and life is more than just our existence.  It is about those who came before and those that come after.  It is our responsibility to discover and tell stories of our heritage, because the longer we wait, the more history is lost.  If we don't explore,  the path to the past becomes harder to follow for future generations.

Just a few hours a week and your story, your family's story, can be told.  We can learn of the trials and successes and benefit.

A little over a year ago I discovered Peter Barbella's Sassano Project and with his resources I was able to follow a path to my 7th great grandparents, the earliest recorded Cavallones -  Giovanni Antonio Cavallone (1643-1722) and Vittoria di Raho (1659-1726) and the earliest recorded ancestors Giuseppe Zozzaro (abt 1630 - unknown) and Perna Ferro (abt 1640 - 1693)!

The San Giovanni Evangelista church records and the Sassano civil records provided evidence that my childhood best friend with an Irish last name, Casey, was a distant cousin.  Other families I attended school with Stavola and Rubino are also distant cousins!

It's been a year of major discoveries and there are more out there!


  1. Good day,
    It has been my pleasure to know John Cavallone for the past 2 years as we shared our love of our ancestors in Sassano.

    He has done the painstaking work of using the St Giovanni church's scanned birth, marriage and death records that are hand written in large leather bound books, written in Latin.

    John and Peter Barbella are both working on The Sassano Project to help us learn more about our records. The Sassano Project is a fantastic source for this research.

    I hope you will continue this journey to learn about our shared Sassano families back to the 1650s church records.

    We are all fortunate to have John and Peter that have both devoted hundreds of hours of their time so we can learn of our Sassano ancestors.

    Best wishes,
    John Giovanni D'Alessio, of the D'Alessio, Petrizzo and Romanelli Sassano families.


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