Twins of Sassano

 When you have access to three centuries of genealogy data at your fingertips how do you not want to analyze the data?  One of the first areas I wanted to dive into was Twins.  What families have twins, is there a common ancestor?  

Records of twins began in the first year of available record keeping - 1644

This weekend I began the "Twins Analysis."  I've parsed out the twins from the 1700s and 1800s which are found here for the 1700s:

and here for the 1800s:

In the 1700s there were 84 sets of twins and in the 1800s there were 143 sets of twins with a single triplet birth in 1823.

I expect the full analysis process to last several months, expect my report in July. In the meantime check out the links above to watch the data progress!



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