2021 New Year Update

 Though I have been away from the blog for nearly a year, the daily work of the Sassano Project and my personal website, www.sassanochicago.org, continued...

All of the church and civil records of Sassano have been indexed back to the mid 1600s!  The original images can be found at San Giovanni Evangelista, the Family Search website (free registration required) & Antenati websites 1809-1815 1816-1865.

At www.sassanochicago.org I have placed a list of twenty-three couples that migrated from Sassano to Chicago with hyperlinks to the respective ancestors pedigree charts!

Moving forward Peter, Pasquale and I, as we develop Sassano family trees, go back over the indexes and correct mis-spellings and document errors.  A link to my public Sassano Tree is here and Peter Barbella's is here.

I hope to get back here at the blog at least once a week to provide updates, but check back to our respective websites often to see the updates in action.



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