
Showing posts from January, 2021

Twins of Sassano

 When you have access to three centuries of genealogy data at your fingertips how do you not want to analyze the data?  One of the first areas I wanted to dive into was Twins.  What families have twins, is there a common ancestor?   Records of twins began in the first year of available record keeping - 1644 This weekend I began the "Twins Analysis."  I've parsed out the twins from the 1700s and 1800s which are found here for the 1700s: and here for the 1800s: In the 1700s there were 84 sets of twins and in the 1800s there were 143 sets of twins with a single triplet birth in 1823. I expect the full analysis process to last several months, expect my report in July. In the meantime check out the links above to watch the data progress! -

You Never Know Who Might Be Your Family

I was ten years old when I moved into my new neighborhood July 4th weekend 1975.  I didn't know much back then, it was surviving one year of school after another at the time. But he we were just moved into a Chicago neighborhood from a Chicago suburb of Justice.  The neighborhood was called Wrightwood.  Pretty typical on the southwest side of Chicago - a grid - a block to the North, 79th Street, a corner grocer, a bakery, a library and a bar.  I would frequent the grocer, bakery and library regularly.   A week or so into it and I'm playing in the backyard with my GI Joes, the good ones - 12 inch tall, fuzzy hair and beard and kung-fu grip, and here drives by my first friend of the neighborhood - Don Casey.   Shortly after we hang out at his house a couple blocks away. His mom - Mrs. Casey, notes my last name of "Cavallone" - "I remember Cavallones," she exclaims, "I grew up with Cavallones on Federal Street when I was young.  I'm Italian too." 

2021 New Year Update

 Though I have been away from the blog for nearly a year, the daily work of the Sassano Project and my personal website, , continued... All of the church and civil records of Sassano have been indexed back to the mid 1600s!  The original images can be found at  San Giovanni Evangelista , the Family Search website  (free registration required) & Antenati websites  1809-1815 1816-1865 . At  I have placed a list of twenty-three couples that migrated from Sassano to Chicago with hyperlinks to the respective ancestors pedigree charts! Moving forward Peter, Pasquale and I, as we develop Sassano family trees, go back over the indexes and correct mis-spellings and document errors.  A link to my public Sassano Tree is here and Peter Barbella's is here . I hope to get back here at the blog at least once a week to provide updates, but check back to our respective websites often to see the updates in action. -John